Text topic: Women's Expertise Potential in Cultural Activities
Text author: Мира Видаковић и Весна Шћепановић
In today’s world there is an obvious imbalance between women’s social role and their tangible social position, despite the eminent influence they have on all aspects of social, scientific, cultural, economic and other public activities. Different studies show that they are unable to ascend in their public roles and their public influence is slowly but surely diminishing. Even the cultural sector, which is routinely perceived as “feminized” environment, is characterized by under-representation of women in management and governing structures. Liberal in outlook and egalitarian in character, cultural organizations often employ large portion of the female workforce, and hence have perfect conditions for aspiring women to become leaders in their fields of expertise. Studies, however, show that women are significantly under-represented at the top of the most prestigious cultural institutions. Throughout history, multiple cultural, political and structural barriers continue to handicap women in their fight for acceptance and recognition. This paper analyzes the barriers which prevent women from ascending to leading positions in their fields of expertise.