Professor Dr. Saša Radojčić
Graduated and earned a doctoral degree at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, and earned a magister’s degree at the Faculty of Philology. He teaches Philosophy of Art at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade.
In addition to a number of articles in periodicals and edited volumes, he published:
– theoretical books: “Ništa i prah, Antropološki pesimizam Sterijinog Davorja” (Nothing and Dust: The Anthropological Pessimism of Sterija’s Davorje, 2006), “Stapanje horizonta. Pesništvo i interpretacija pesništva u filozofskoj hermeneutici” (Merging Horizons. Poetry and the Interpretation of Poetry in Philosophical Hermeneutics, 2010), “Razumevanje i zbivanje. Osnovni činioci hermeneutičkog iskustva” (Understanding and Occurrence. The Basic Elements of Hermeneutic Experience, 2011), “Uvod u filozofiju umetnosti” (Introduction to the Philosophy of Art, 2014), and “Umetnost i stvarnost” (Art and Reality, 2021);
– collections of essays and criticism: “Providni anđeli” (Transperent Angels, 2003), “Poezija, vreme buduće” (Poetry, Future Tense 2003), “Reč posle” (The Word After, 2015), “Jedna pesma” (One Song, 2016), “Slike i rečenice” (Images and Sentences, 2017), “Za svetlom iz očeve kolibe” (To the Light from Father’s Cabin, 2018), and “Ogledalo na pijaci Bajloni” (The Mirror at the Bajloni Market, 2019);u
– translations from the German: H. G. Gadamer, “Pohvala teoriji” (Praise of Theory, 1996), H. G. Gadamer, “Filozofija i poezija” (Philosophy and Poetry, 2002), W. Dilthey, “Doživljaji i pesništvo” (Poetry and Experience, 2004), R. Safranski, “Zlo ili drama slobode” (Evil or the Drama of Freedom, 2005), E. Jünger, “Droge i opijenost” (Drugs and Intoxication, 2007), H. G. Gadamer, “Ko sam ja i ko si ti” (Who am I and Who Are You, 2010), H. Keyserling, “Južnoameričke meditacije” (South American Meditations, 2015), L. A. Salome, “Fridrih Niče u svojim delima” (Friedrich Nietzsche in his Works, 2017), H. C. Binswanger “Novac i magija” (Money and Magic, 2018), W. Waiblinger “Život, pesništvo i ludilo Fridriha Helderlina” (Friedrich Hölderlin’s Life, Poetry and Madness, 2020), and W. Eilenberger “Vreme čarobnjaka” (Time of the Magician, 2020);
– collection of poems: “Uzaludni snovi” (Futile Dreams, 1985), “Kamerna muzika” (Chamber Music, 1991), “Amerika i druge pesme” (America and Other Poems, 1994), “Elegije, nokturna, etide” (Elegies, Nocturnes, Etudes, 2001), “Četiri godišnja doba” (The Four Seasons, 2004), Cyber zen (2013), “Duge i kratke pesme” (Long and Short Poems, 2015), and “To mora da sam takođe ja” (That Must Also Be Me, 2020);
Editor of the anthology of recent Serbian poetry “Senke i njihovi predmeti” (Shadows and their Objects, 2021).
For his entire poetic oeuvre, he received the Dis award and the “Desanka Maksimović” award. He was also awarded the “Branko Ćopić,” “Đura Jakšić,” Zmaj, “Venac Laze Kostića”, and “Lenkin Prsten” prizes for poetry. For his literary criticism, he received the “Milan Bogdanović” award.