Doc. Dr. Vladimir Kolarić
Vladimir Kolarić is an art and culture theorist, prose writer, playwright, and translator. He graduated in dramaturgy and earned a Ph.D. degree in theory of dramatic arts, media and culture at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Arts in Belgrade. He defended the doctoral thesis “Film i književnost: Transformacija književnog teksta F. M. Dostojevskog u filmovima Živojina Pavlovića” (Film and Literature: The Transformation of F. M. Dostoevsky’s Literary Text in Živojin Pavlović’s Films). He is an associate professor at the College of Communication and a research organizer at the Institute for Cultural Development Research.
He wrote the books “Hrišćanstvo i film” (Christianity and Film, 2017), “Cultural Policy of Yugoslav Self-Management” (2019), and “Hrišćanstvo i umetnost” (Christianity and Art, 2021), edited the scientific edited volume “U traganju za umetničkom formom” (In Search of Art Form, 2012, with Enisa Uspenski), edited the thematic pages “Film and Philosophy” (2014, with Aleksandar Prnjat) and “The Aesthetics of the Body in Christianity” (2020, with Blagoje Pantelić) for the journal “Kultura”.
Deputy editor of the journal “Humanistika,” member of the editorial staff of the journal “Kultura” since 2019, and member of the editorial board of the Academy of SOC for Arts and Conservation’s journal “Živopis.” Member of the Serbian Literary Society and the Association of Dramatic Artists of Serbia.