“Cultural trauma is a world-current topic within the social sciences, and our country has several serious historical and cultural traumas in its history, starting from slavery under the Turks to Jasenovac. I think that only through culture can we overcome national traumas “, said the well-known sociologist Slobodan Antonić, today at the well-attended promotion of the new 172nd issue of the magazine Culture for Theory and Sociology of Culture and Cultural Policy in the Gallery of the Institute (Zaprokul).
The editor-in-chief of Culture, Dr. Sladjana Ilic, pointed out that the theory of cultural trauma is of special importance for understanding our culture. There is no way to overcome the trauma, behind which there is always some evil suffered, without facing it, without a free discussion about it and its artistic form. ”
In her text “Serbian Book and National Self-Awareness”, Vesna Trijić, a prominent literary critic, referred to the consequences of changes in the concept of Serbian books in literary history from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day and the way in which cultural engineering led Western historians to Serbian literature. literature is read as criminal.
Reputable authors from various fields – culturology, literary studies, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, sociology, mediology – Bojan Jovanović, Slobodan Antonić, Slobodan Reljić, Svetlana Šeatović, Sasa Radojčić wrote about “Culture and National Trauma” in the new issue of Kultura magazine. , Predrag Petrović and others.
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