Text topic: Studies
Text author: Љубица Бељански-Ристић, Маша Вукановић и Александар Крел
Richness, quality, diversity and availability of different forms of cultural activities as well as mediation of cultural contents is of vital importance for children, because their age is optimal for adopting cultural values contained in various activities. Thus, the offer of cultural institutions designed for children is important for building attitudes towards culture, cultural production and cultural consumption in their adult life. Following the research of the Center for Study in Cultural Development – “Cultural offer for the children of Belgrade” from 1983 – we initiated a project called “Cultural heritage and cultural participation”. This project started in 2014 and it has two goals. The first goal is to form a database of cultural institution projects aimed towards children that would be available to researchers of culture. The other also important goal is to contribute to innovations in creating programs that cultural institutions would offer in order to foster active cultural participation. Digitalization of documentation about the Studio for creative upbringing (Školigrica) allowed us to treat this project as a folklore legacy that in its core implies understanding of folklore as artistic communication in small groups that leaves significant trace among people of different generations.