Text topic: (Lack Of) Culture
- culture
Text author: Татјана Миливојевић
The spirit of culture is contained in the Socratic call to self-knowledge, in order to improve our morale, wisdom and wellbeing, which not only brings happiness, but is the true happiness. Culture goes beyond information and knowledge into cognition that contributes to the flourishing of both the individual and social life. The real meaning of culture lies in our stronger, more conscious and alert presence in the world. We have to be aware of the fundamental difference between “having” education or culture as an accumulation of information and knowledge and “being” an educated, cultivated person as a result of reflective, alert and creative living. Culture is a biophilic, generative orientation, as it allows free flow and affirmation of life energies in their multiple expressions and forms. Not until we restitute to culture its original meaning, spirit, and Eros which permeated it from immemorial times, through the educational system and other social channels and institutions, the concept of culture will not be carried across to younger generations in that inspiring meaning and sense, and they will experience it as alien and hostile to their needs, interests, and pursuit of happiness.