Text topic: Studies
Text author: Сузана Марковић Крстић
In this paper we present results of an empirical research study conducted in 2009 on a sample of 985 students from 30 vocational study groups, located in 28 cities in Serbia. The aim of the study was to establish a relationship between individual elements of the social background of students from the colleges for professional studies and their educational, professional and life aspirations. The research has shown that there is a high social differentiation in colleges for professional studies, and a clear indication of greater representation of students originating from the lower and middle social strata. In this sense, for this generation of young people, higher education levels should not only facilitate acquisition of knowledge necessary to perform complex tasks, but also provide a social function in relation to the generation of their parents (workers) and grandparents (farmers). Determination of the social background has served as a plea for the „discovery” of perspective and aspirations of students in regard to their future.