Text topic: Cultures of Rhythms and Spectacle
Text author: Нада Секулић
The text deals with film spectacle as a medium of meeting and construction of the other in the processes of cultural globalization. Kurosawa is seen as an author who created his films in the period between two epochs and in the space between two cultures, and in doing so, substantially modifies both. The article tends to show that nowadays the processes of mixing of different cultures are inevitable, that the tradition in any form of contemporary cultural creativity could not resist them, and that the technology as such crucially determines basic dimensions of this encounter. The view of film spectacle here is a positive one, i.e. it is seen as a medium facilitating intercultural language, and only after that, as a source of stereotypes and prejudices about the other. A special attention is given to the place and role of female characters in Kurosawa’s samurai movies, where they are interpreted as a subtext of an intercultural communication.