Text topic: Narratology
Text author: Миланка Тодић
An article entitled “Why the Balkans Attract Women” appeared in the English magazine The Graphic (1912), struggling over the question of how “those rough, wild, semi-civilized and more than half-orientalised little countries, [could] appeal so strongly to some of our astutest feminine intelligence.” Now, a hundred years later, that title could be published again in some newspapers that follow the trends of famous Hollywood stars. In this paper we outline some key interpretive models in women’s narrative and travel literature of 19th century. The book Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe written by Georgina Muir Mackenzie and Adelina Paulina Irby and published in London in the 1866, was analyzed as an example of women’s narrative that tells about an exciting encounter of the colonial heroines and Serbia.