Text topic: (Lack Of) Culture
- culture
Text author: Катарина Шмакић
Digital language is the language of young generations; they process information very differently from previous generations. There is sufficient evidence to confirm that the impact of digital technology on youth is unjustly neglected and that the educational institutions and the authorities have a serious commitment to research this area. There is no education without communication, but what kind of communication is necessary for educational system in digital age? In the time before the advent of electronic mass media, the teacher was the most important for providing information about the world; he/she was responsible for setting up a student’s system of values as well as society norms. The digital age has brought skills such as assessment, analysis, access, participation and creativity, necessary for solving everyday problems. The global phenomenon of “digital natives” is discussed in a critical analysis and with special attention to their ability to learn in a traditional education system.