Text topic: Legacy Institute and Cultural Policy of Serbia
Text author: Милена Ђурица и Маја Марјановић
Hristifor Crnilović (Vlasotince) (1886-1963) was a painter, professor of painting, ethnographer and collector of objects of material culture and folk knowledge. He offered his great collection to the City of Belgrade to establish a permanent exhibition. From the first negotiations with there presentatives of the City of Belgrade in 1958, when it was decided that the collection had great cultural and historical value, the realization of his original idea was completed after 10 years i.e. unfortunately 5 years after his death. In accordance with modern tendencies and theories of museum and museology development as well as new visions of understanding the role of museums in the society, in addition to already established forms of activities, organization of occasional exhibitions, lectures, educational and pedagogical work, Ethnographic Museum experts have recognized potential for new ways of working with their audience through educational programmes of old crafts, various skills, folk handicrafts and old artistic techniques. This innovative form of involving the public in the process of preserving intangible cultural heritage and cooperation with other cultural institutions has also been part of the work plan of the House of Manak, from the 1990s to this day.