Text topic: Philosophy of Media
Text author: Виолета Цветковска Оцокољић и Татјана Цветковски
Mitchell’s (2005) definition of metapicture appears as a term that includes a combination of television, literature, visual and musical arts, and the like, but also all forms of advertising (political and economic). Projected images fully mimic the process of mental representation in the human consciousness and their overlapping leads to blurring the boundaries between real and unreal. This phenomenon is intended to disturb the individual reasoning and induce him to accept the notion which is imposed on him. The modern media take on an educative role of traditional communities and create a new form of metapicture, consisting of a number of elements of different cultures and artistic genres, movements and pseudo events. In the contact with beings and new forms of reality man never before in his history met, except in the imagination and ecstatic visions, the ideas imposed through the screen lead to patterns of cognitive bias. However, metapictures are images that contain a specific depth and complexity, and require and attract attention. These are the pictures with the creative driving force which the work discuss.