Text topic: New Museology Between Theory and Practice
Text author: Драгана Мартиновић
This paper presents an attempt at theoretical and critical contemplation of the phenomenon of standing exhibitions in Serbian museums at the start of the 21st century (the concept of the exhibition, conceptual methodology, future of the exhibition) as a raison d’être of the museums and a purpose of their exhistance. Also, the new standing exhibitions, if based on modern postulates, can initiate a process of transforming the Serbian museums from academic into contemporary, and influence the definition of a new role and a new place of the museum in the culture and society of our communities (as a place dedicated to gaining active knowledge and experience as well as a place of entertainment). In order for this to happen, it is necessary: to rethink both the professional actions and the museum materials; to develop a socially engaged museum; to (re)define the old/new missions, visions, purposes and objectives of the museum, its program policy, management, marketing and PR; to re-direct the museum outreach activities towards interpretation, communication and presentation; to observe the museums as “open systems” while drawing conclusions, creating identities, approximating different forms of art, merging heterogenous projects; to connect with the audience and with the non-audience; and to facilitate the reception of art production and exhibitted artefacts of cultural heritage. With their knowledge, expression and vision, the curators and authors (or artists) can equally impact the selection and the manner of presentation/interpretation, and also contribute to the implementation of diverse actions in the museums that can broaden the manner of adopting basic museum themes by turning passive observers into active participants, not only in the museum programs but in the local communities in general.