Text topic: Reality Programmes in Serbia – A GLOBAL OR NATIONAL PHENOMENON
Text author: Јадранка Божић
In an attempt to thoroughly observe the phenomenon of reality programmes in Serbia, we point to the current fusion of the small town spirit and the most pervasive political-media installations of the criminal-familiaristic Balkan neoliberalism. Today, global industry aims to entertain the individual to the point of political and other lethargy, and thus the function of various series and TV programmes (reality shows) is primarily entertaining. With the overall degradation of education, science and culture, we have witnessed a weakening of the critical apparatus and lowering of tolerance. Thus, every kind of content, however banal or bad, finds its audience needing no rebellion,since its attention is very cunningly focused on marginal topics.Insisting on trivial issues on a broader scale results in political apathy and general disinterest in issues of broader interest.