Text topic: Philosophy of Media
Text author: Зоран Јевтовић, Татјана Вулић и Драгана Павловић
The post-modern society often pulsates to the beat of dynamic transformation of political, economic crisis, technological revolution, climate changes, terrorist attacks, media appearances and global spectacles. The concept of public space adapts to the character and philosophy of new media, creating abundance of information that are getting more and more important social role. Bad news, disinformation, data conversion and ideologically driven interpretation are a part of the current media discourse, which favors fear as merchandise in demand on the information market. Staging of communication leads to the abolition of sense, homeopathic grafting of the moral panic that is oversized compared to the facts of the subject basis. (Re) construction of reality is based on the creation of meaning that comes from the social environment, ideas, symbols and images that dominate in a particular place and time. The reality is more and more a product of media meanings we are giving it. The authors examine the phenomenon of fear, especially the symbiosis of political actors and the mass media, using market uniformity to feed the hunger of the already anxious audience.