Text topic: Media Interpretations
Text author: Милан Радовановић
The concept of media influence involves use of certain types of communication in order to change the habits, behavior or beliefs of the people we are addressing. The development of new technologies and the mass media is much faster than the development of our ability to process the immense amount of information we encounter. Due to our cognitive constraints, the consequence of such accelerated development of the media is that we are less engaged in analyzing the given situation as a whole. The world we live in has become much more complex while our reactions are considerably simpler. The media are the ideal means to achieve the desired impact in such circumstances, and the basic tactic is very simple – it suffices to offer a carefully selected and limited quantity of information. In the modern age, for most people, only that which was published in the media happened (or that which is mediated by the language of the media). The semantic function of the media space has enabled a simple and effective implementation of many media influence techniques. The basic principles of influence help us make a quick decision in given circumstances, without much effort and with the expectation that such a decision will be right for us. Therefore, media influence is a necessary condition for social communication between social elites and citizens, in order to preserve social order and its stability. On the other hand, media influence is constantly misused in order to preserve social power and gain of the privileged minority which has access to the media. Therefore, understanding of the principles of media influence and the way in which they operate is a very important aspect of media literacy and life in contemporary society.